منتظر باشید تا صفحه کامل بارگذاری شود
غیرفعال کردن حالت بارگذاری

مشاهده خبر

According to the Instructor Exchange agreement between Faculty of architecture of Soore university of Tehran and Sapienza university of Rome some educational courses will be taught by the other party in Soore university. 
This decision has been made in a joint meeting on Tuesday at the office of the dean of faculty of architecture in Sapienza university and will be started after obtaining the necessary permissions from the Ministry of science, research and technology in 2018. 

Following this Memorandum of Understanding of scientific cooperation, two universities decided to publish a joint research journal in the field of architecture and urban design. 

اشتراک در:

کلمات کلیدی: Instructor Exchange Program

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