منتظر باشید تا صفحه کامل بارگذاری شود
غیرفعال کردن حالت بارگذاری

مشاهده خبر

Mohammad Moin Aldini
The head of Painting Department
Educational Background: Getting a High School diploma in Graphic from Visual Art school in Kerman; having a BA degree in English literature from Azad Branch University in Kerman; having a BA in Painting from Bahonar University in Kerman; having a MA degree in Painting from Arts Faculty of Tarbiat Modarress University; having a PhD degree in Art Research from Shahed University.

About Painting Department:
Painting department commenced its work from 1993 by using workshop and technical equipment and facilities towards promoting and circulating the Islamic art and culture and arousing and developing the instinctive taste and discrimination of the students and enhancing their power of creation and innovation.The educational courses are run in Associate’s , Bachelor’s and Master’s degree by three faculty members : Ahmad Khalili Fard ,Khosro Khosravi Jelodar and Reza Hedayat and on average forty invited professors in each semester.  
The main facilities of this department comprises immense and spacious workshops having adequate light and the basic and essential equipment for painting and the students of this major alongside the distinguished. other preceptors have obtained remarkable successes in cultural and artistic activities in the form of holding festivals ,exhibitions and educational workshops over the years.
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کلمات کلیدی: Painting Department, Soore University

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