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مشاهده خبر

To accomplish the objectives mentioned in the brief of the code of establishing non-profit Higher Education Institutions and its following reformations verified by the High Council of Cultural Revolution, thearticle of association of Sooreh non-profitHigher Education Institution associated with Islamic propaganda organization (Art department) along with the slight changes in the Acts mentioned in the article of Association was first verified by the Board of Trustees and then by the HighCouncil of Cultural revolution with regard to three phases of changing the position
and upgrading from second type institution to the first type and then reaching an agreement to turn into a  university. These three phases respectively
include the  following :
1.The first version of the Article of Association of Sooreh Non-profit Higher Education Institution (associated with Islamic ropaganda Organization) (second type) was first verified by the founding board and then by the High Council of Cultural Revolution under the license of the Culture and Higher Education Ministry in 28 Acts,9 chapters on 22th June 1993.
2. While coming to an agreement to change the institution from the second type to the first type Under the license of Culture and Higher Education Ministry, the second reformed version of the Article of Association of Sooreh Non-Profit Higher Education institution was approved by the High Council of Cultural Revolution in the session dated 21th June 2014 in the letter No.1-573 including one preface, three chapters, twenty eight Acts , nine Articles and sixty four clauses.
According to the Acts of the Article of Association of Sooreh Higher Education Institution as cited in the secretariat letter, 
No.302/821 dated 13 Sep 2000, in the second meeting of the Deputies, the organization attempted to prepare the
structure of the human force ,to explain the job duties and provide each of the faculties with the organizational chart of the related vice-chairmanship and was formally
notified on 22th October 2000.

3.The third modified version of the Articles of Association of Soore Non-profit higher Education Instiution (associated with Islamic Propaganda Organization), According to the letter, No.22/8009 received from the higher education development council expressing an agreement with the turning of the Sooreh Institution into a university with reference to the letter,No.1/2770 dated  31th Oct 2010 ,the third version of the article of association of Sooreh Non-profit Higher Education Institution associated with Islamic  propaganda organization including 31 Acts and 11 articles was verified by the parliament on 27th July 2010 and then was approved by the high council of cultural revolution.
In order to accomplish the goals mentioned in the synopsis of the establishment code of the non-profit higher education institutions and its following reforms , verified by the high council of cultural revolution ,Sooreh Non-profit Higher Education Institution associated with the Islamic Propaganda 
Organization (Art Department ) which Is called “Institution” in the Article of Association ,has been established with the following goals and functions and will be run according to the Acts of this article of association and the related Acts and regulations. 
Article 1 . Objectives
1.1. Reviving the ritual thought in the Arts
1.2. Recognizing and reviving the religious, national and ritual arts.
1.3. Educating and instructing the creative artists whom the country requires.
1.4. Trying to develop the use of art and popularize it in the society.
1.5. Trying to manifest the values of the revolution by art . 
Article 2 . Functions
2.1.Taking university students in the art courses verified by the Ministry of Science ,Research and Technology.
2.2. Providing the required facilities to accomplish the      goals of the Institution.
2.3. To permanently co-operate with the scientific centers of the country to remove the needs and to develop     research and  education in the artistic courses. 
Article 3.This institution is a research and Educational center.
Article 4. The city of Tehran is the workplace of this Institution. 
Note : The address of the institution is determined by the founders.
Article 5. This institution is a non-profit, non governmental unit and its income will be spent on expenses, equipments , the Istructional Investments and developing Its functions. 
Article 6. This institution is considered as an independent legal person.
Article 7.The institution is acknowledged since the date of issuing the permit of establishment by Higher Education   Development Council an research and educational functions in        terms of major and educational cours  will be feasible by permission of Higher Education Development Council.
Article 8 .The institution will be subordinate to all rules,regulations, disciplines and the codes of the non-profit,non-state higher education  institutions approved by High Council of Cultural Revolution and the Ministry of cience,  Research and Technology and the other current rules and egulations of the country.
Article 9. Graduate certifications are issued  according to  the rules verified by the Culture and Higher Education Ministry.
Article 10. Research and educational facilities , equipments and space must be in accordance with disciplines and    regulations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
Article 11. The financial sources of the institution include:
11.1. The finances of Islamic propaganda organization and art department.
11.2. The tuition paid by the college students.
11.3. The incomes of the institution.
Article 12. The foundations of the institution.
• The founder
• The Board of Trustees
• The chief of the institution.

Article 13. The founder
According to the Act of the High Council of Cultural evolution in the session 421 on 9th June 1998 , the founder of the institution is the Islamic propaganda organization.   
Article 14. Functions and Authorities of the founder
14.1.taking the license for establishment and  other equired permissions from the Ministry of Science ,Research and  Technology;
14.2. Compiling the article of association of  the Institution and suggesting it to the Culture and Higher Education Ministry;
14.3. Suggesting those members of the Board of Trustees who must be elected by the founder to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology or dismissing each one of them;
14.4. Registering the institute in the registry office of companies after issuing the permit of establishment by the Higher Education Development Council ;    
14.5. To prepare the essential facilties and to make the arrangements for beginning and continuing the functions and activities of the Institution;
14.6. Monitoring and observing the research, educational and cultural activities of the institution to accomplish the goals mentioned in 
Act 1 of the Article of Association; 
14.7. Investigating and verifying the proposal of Trustees oard regarding cancelling or extending the functions of the Institution and offering it to the Higher Education evelopment     Council for the final approval; 
14.8. Proposing any sort of changes in the contents of Article of Association to the Higher Education Development Council; 
14.9. To suggest the shutting down of the institution to the Higher Education Development Council ;
Article 15. The Board of Trustees The members of Trustees Board are elected according to the Acts of High Council of Cultural Revolution which are as the following :
A- The chairman of Islamic Propaganda organization( the Director of Trustees Board) ;
B) A qualified clergyman;
C) The Principal of the Institution (the secretary of trustees board );
D) At least two and at most 8 faculty members of the universities considering the terms written at part B of the amended article 2 and article 4 in the Brief of the Code of establishing non-profit and higher education institutions verified by the High Council of Cultural Revolution;    
E) The Governor General or his/her  representative considering the Acts of High Council of Cultural Revolution;
F) The representative of the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education;
Note1 : After two years of commencing the work of nstitution, the faculty members in the Board of Trustees must be at least three persons and these people must have been the formal members of the institution for at least year.
Note 2: The way of handling the sessions of Trustees Board is in accordance with external code approved in the first  session of the Trustees Board.
Article 16 . The members of trustees board are  Appointed by the approval of the Minister of Science, Research and Technology for a four- year  period.

اشتراک در:

کلمات کلیدی: the Article of Association, soore university

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