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غیرفعال کردن حالت بارگذاری

مشاهده خبر

Board of Trustees and Council of University


Board of Trustees

Citing the previous pages in the article 7 of the legislation of constituting the Trustees Boards of the universities and research higher education institutions approved in the sessions 181 and 183 of High Council of Cultural Revolution dated on 14th March 1988 , the authorities and jobs description of the Trustees Board has been offered,

which there is no need to be mentioned .


The Members of Trustees Board

The first session of Trustees Board of Soureh Higher Education Institution was held in August 2002 with membership of the following people :

1- Dr. Sayyed Mahdi Sayyed Khamooshi , the chairman of Trustees Board ;

2- Dr. Ali Montazeri , the member of trustees board;

3- Dr. Javad Ezhayee , the member of trustees; board

4- Dr. Sayyd Golam Reza Islami , the member of trustees board;

5- Dr. Zahra Rahnavard , the member of trustees board;

6- Dr. Ali Reza Ansari , the secretary of trustees board

7- Hassan Bonyanian , the director of art department;

8- Dr. Rahmato-l-lah Hafezi , the member of trustees board.


 In 2008, with decreasing two members of the above-mentioned individuals and joining four new member, the members of Trustees Board are are as follows:

1- Dr. Sayyed Mahdi Sayyed Khamooshi (the chairman of trustees board and the director Islamic Propaganda Organization);

2- Hassan Bonyaniyan (the vice-chairman of Trustees Board);

3- Dr. Mohammad Roshan (the secretary of trustees board , the faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University and the principal of the institution);

4- Dr. Hadi Nadimi (the member of trustees board and the faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University);

5- Dr. Akbar Haj Ebrahim Zargar ( the member of trustees board and the faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University);

6- Dr. Abdol Hussein Taheri ( deputy of the Minister of Science ,Research and Technology);

7- Dr. Ali Montazeri ( the member of trustees board and the faculty member of Jahad Daneshgahi);

8- Dr. Sayyed Golam Reza Islami ( the member of trustees board and the faculty member of Tehran University);

9- Dr. Zahra Rahnavard ( the member of trustees board and the faculty member of Tehran University);

10- Dr.Javad Ezhayee ( the member of trustees board and the faculty member of Tehran University) whom their pictures have been added to the appendixes . Since 2009 , her Excellency Dr. Zahra Rahnavard has been considered to resign due to the lack of possibility of participating in the sessions of trustees board.


Sessions’ Statistics and the Acts of Trustees Board

From 2002 until the end of 2012, 45 sessions of trustees board were held among which , 9 sessions were held in 2006 and 2007 . That is to say , 4 sessions have been approximately held each year.

The first session of Trustees Board of Soureh Higher Education Institution was held with the presence of the most members of trustees board in the chairman’s office of art department on Monday, 23th August at 5 p.m. sharp and after reciting the verses of Holly Quran and listening to the summarized report on the situation of Institution,

the Board of Trustees entered into negotiation regarding the subjects related to the agenda.         


Council of University

The council of university is the second foundation of policy making after the Board of Trustees which adopts the current policies and plans of the university based on the comprehensive policies verified by the Board of Trustees.  

Constituting the council of university is in accordance with the management code of Higher Education Institutions approved in 249th session of the High Council of Cultural Revolution.

This council comprises the following people :

The board members ,the head of Faculties and research centers ,two faculty members( deputy of educational council and post graduate education courses) , and two individuals of the faculty member selected by the principal of the university.

The council of Soureh University has begun its work since 2006.

The Most Important Functions and Authorities of the Council of the University

A- Surveying and ratifying the new educational

majors and courses and its programs to offer to the Ministry of Scinece ,Research and Technology;

B- Surveying and verifying the proposed short-term research and educational programs;  

C- Surveying and inwestigating the ways to co-operate with non-profit and governmental Institutions and compiling its disciplines and regulations;

D- To annually survey the scientific facilities including the human force and equipments of the university to determine the shortcomings ,classify the scientific needs and take measures for supplying them;

E- Planning to admit college students according to the facilities of the university regarding the country’s development programs ;

G- Surveying the affairs which are put on the agenda by the principal of the university;

H- Surveying research and educational problems of the university and offering the essential solutions to them;  

I – Surveying and approving the proposed plans and programs of the specialized councils;

J- Compiling and approving the council’s internal code and ratifying the code of internal committees of the council.


The members of the current council are:

Dr. Mohammad Roshan, Dr. Javad Salimi , Dr. Javad Mohammad Pour Gazi , Dr. Javad Sadegi Jafari , Mr.Sayyed Mohammad Sajedi , Amir Mohammad Khanee , Dr. Majid Rezayeeyan , Dr.Omid Ali Masoodi , Dr. Mehran Hoshyar , Dr. Abdol Karim Attar Zadeh , Joseph Khagir ,Dr. Zahr Taheri Pour ,

Zeynab Khatoon Dayee pour and Farshad Asgari Kiya .

Dr. Mohammad Roshan has been appointed as the chairman of the university since 2006 by the head of  Islamic Propaganda Organization and the Trustees Board of Soureh University ,Dr Sayyed Mahdi Sayyed Khamooshi .

Dr . Roshan was the vice-president for student and cultural affairs of Shahid Beheshti University before taking the presidency post of  Soureh University and 14 books and 115 articles are among his research and scientific works . For getting more information on his scientific backgrounds and cultural and executive activities refer to  Internet  Site of Shahid Beheshti University , www .sbu .ac ir      

The Chairmen of Soureh University From the Beginning Until Today

Chart no(1). The name of the heads and principals of  Soureh Higher Education Institution


Name and Surname

From  …to

The period of Responsibility


Dr .Mohammad Mahlooji Qomi

From Oct 1993 till August 98

59 months


Mr.Mohammad Ali Zam

From Sep98 till Sep 2000

25 months


Mohsen Gani Yari

From Oct 2000 till Dec 2001

15 months


Hormoz Bahman Pour

From January 2001 till April 2002

4 months


Dr. Ali Reza Ansari

From May 2002 till June 2003

14 months


Sayyed Mohammad Fatemi

From June 2003 till August 2003

2 months


Dr. Sayyed Javad Salimi

From August 2003 till April 2006

32 months


Dr. Mohammad Roshan

From April 2006 till the present

It continues


According to the Book “ the Collection of Employment Discipline and Regulations of the Faculty Members of universities and higher education institutions” the term of responsibility of the principal of the university is four years .

But considering the matter that two decades has passed since the establishment of this university, eight people have been appointed as the chairman of the university until now that of course , the period of their responsibility has been different from each other.

In order to compile this book, all the people who had been in charge of presiding over this university have been informed verbally or in writing to be interviewed until their opinions about the strategies ,plans and aims of the university be published among whom ,only Dr. Sayyed Javad Salimi and Mr. Sayyed Mohammad Fatemi responded to our request and fulfilled this duty to whom we are much obliged .       


The Board of Directors

The board of directors comprises the chairman and deputies of the university ; meanwhile ,deputies are appointed in proportion to the amount of work and extension of the university . The number of deputies are at most 7 individuals and some of the chairmanships can be integrated with each other.     


The Most Important Functions and Authorities of the Board of University

A- To pave the way for executing the Acts of High Council of Cultural Revolution and the codes issued by the Ministry of Science ,Research and Technology. 

B- To propose the constitutional diagram and the essential administrative reformations to Trustees Board for managing the internal affairs of the

university vie the chairman of the university.

C-Investigating and evaluating the way of implementing the decisions made by the Trustees Board and supervising the performance of the university’s unites .

D- To prepare the ground for popularizing the university and help the university and its associated unites to become more self-sufficient.

E- Creating the essential harmony among various areas of vice-chairmanships.

F- Surveying the transaction ,financial and administrative codes of the university to put forth in the Board of Trustees and to prepare the proposals, plans and programs which must be on the agenda in the Trustees Board. 

G- Proposing the annual budget of the university to the Board of Trustees vie the chairman of the university.

H- Suggesting , distributing and assigning the studies opportunities and short-term research and educational courses inside and outside the country, which according to the regulations, are given to the research and faculty members vie the chairman of the university.


The Committee of Determining the Qualification of the Invited Professors


Electing the faithful and committed professors having higher educational certificates , scientific backgrounds and experiences is one of the great characteristics in taking the professors at Soureh University . Accordingly ; before the beginning of each semester , a committee is held in the presence of the representative of the principal of the university ,deputy of post graduate courses and educational affairs , the chief officer of the security staff , the principal of the Faculties and the heads of educational departments based on the needs of each Faculty. In this committee , the permission for teaching is given to the professors based on the educational certificates , classroom assessment ,the major ,obeying the rules and keeping the discipline and the general qualifications of the instructors; moreover ,the suggestions of the professors , the head of departments and the principals of the Faculties regarding the tuition of the professors and lecturers are surveyed .

This committee was set up in the winter of 2012 according to the Acts of the council of University and the suggestion of Trustees Board.

The committee members are the chairman of the university or his representative ,deputy of post graduate education courses and educational affairs,

the head of department and (according to the session related to each Faculty) and the chief officer of security staff .    

The permanent members of the committee are: Dr. Abdol Karim Attar Zadeh and  Ahmad Reza Jabbar Zadeh ( the members of committee) and Sayyed Mohammad Sajedi as the representative of the principal in the committee .


Job Descriptions

Surveying the moral and scientific qualification of the invited professors and lecturers ,and surveying the increase in the tuition paid to some professors.


The Most Important Functions

Investigating the moral and scientific qualification of more than 300 lecturers at each semester from the outset of the educational year of 2012-13 till today . 

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کلمات کلیدی: Soore’s Leadership, soore university

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